
What Can I Give My Cat For Dry Itchy Skin?

Just similar humans, dry skin on cats is a common condition — specially when the atmospheric condition turns cooler in the wintertime and we crank upwardly the indoor heat. Not only tin dry skin on cats be uncomfortable for our pets, causing itching and fifty-fifty possibly leading to skin infections when they scratch, simply it tin be problematic for humans, too — given that information technology can atomic number 82 to excess dander and shedding, which can worsen human allergies to cats. So how do you know if your cat has dry skin, and what can y'all exercise near it? Consider these veterinarians' tips for identifying and treating dry skin on cats.

What causes dry skin on cats?

A common crusade of dry skin could be related to the food your cat eats. In order to maintain a good for you skin and glaze, cats need to eat a diet of balanced nutrition, including omega-3 fat acids and zinc, according to the Cornell Feline Health Middle — so dry out peel could indicate a diet deficiency.

Dry skin can also exist a symptom of an overweight cat, or one otherwise challenged past mobility problems. "An additional crusade for flaking in cats is decreased grooming, which can occur in overweight cats or cats with arthritis," notes Dr. Juliette Bouillon, assistant professor at Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine. "Due to their shape or pain, they are unable to accomplish their back for appropriate training. This can result in pilus matting, pare inflammation and flaking."

Other causes can include the rituals you may have for bathing your cat. Using the wrong shampoo or using water that is too hot tin crusade dry skin, says integrative veterinarian Carol Osborne. So can allergies, parasitic skin issues, including fleas, mites, and lice, and certain hormonal disorders like thyroid affliction.

What are the symptoms of dry peel on cats?

The symptoms of dry skin on cats include white dandruff-like flakes appearing in their fur, and noticing your pet scratching at itchy areas. Dry skin tin also result in a macerated shine to your cat'southward fur.

"They will have what looks similar dandruff in their fur," notes Dr. Osborne. "Your dog or cat may also be scratching themselves or have a boring-looking glaze."

How can you treat dry skin on cats?

Start by working to increase humidity in the air during the wintertime; you lot can do this simply by introducing a humidifier, or fifty-fifty past placing a pan of water by the radiator to increment moisture in the cat's indoor environment.

Then, address any possible omega-iii fatty acid deficiencies in your true cat's food. Dr. Osborne suggests adding an 8th teaspoon of fish oil, flaxseed oil, or salmon oil mixed into meals once daily.

Across that, focus on your cat's bathing and preparation. Grooming helps forestall mats and tangles, and removes loose hair. "Grooming on a regular ground is the single all-time manner to maintain the overall health of the skin and hair coat," Dr. Osborne says.

She suggests regular bathing using hypoallergenic shampoos that contain oatmeal or benzoyl peroxide to provide relief. You might likewise try a vinegar and water rinse, she says. To gear up it, add four tablespoons of white vinegar to 1 gallon of water. Massage this through the fur, then rinse once more with plain h2o and air dry.

If you withal notice dry skin on your cat, effort a get out-on moisturizer with aloe vera and alpha keri, Dr. Osborne suggests. And of course, if the trouble persists, bring your cat to the vet so she can go examined in person.

Freelance Author Alesandra is a veteran digital journalist based in Los Angeles, who has covered travel, food, events, way and dazzler, amusement, dwelling, parenting, and viral content for more than fifteen years.

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